Young Lives vs Cancer's mission is to change what it means to be diagnosed with cancer when you're young.
Every day in the UK, 10 more children and young people are told they have cancer.
Young Lives vs Cancer believes that children and young people with cancer have the right to the best possible treatment, care, and support throughout their cancer journey and beyond. They also believe that these children and young people deserve the best possible chance to make the most of their lives once cancer treatment has ended.
Young Lives vs Cancer provides vital emotional, practical, financial and clinical support to young cancer patients and their families during and after treatment. The charity also takes what they are told about the impact of cancer on the young people's lives to service providers and policy makers to help change things for the better.
Our players' support helps Young Lives vs Cancer be there for more families when the doctor says it's cancer.
Young Lives vs Cancer know that it takes a team of professionals to support a family. The service provided is tailored to ensure families are offered the right support in those first crucial few weeks.
The mother of young cancer patient Felix said, "When you get this diagnosis, it’s such a shock. It feels as if your whole life has been blown apart. Young Lives vs Cancer did all the other things so that we could concentrate on the essentials. They carried us through it. They really have become part of the family."
You can help Young Lives vs Cancer support children and young people with cancer and their families. For more information, visit their website, www.younglivesvscancer.org.uk